

News production, for me, is not only a profession, but an adoration for storytelling and connection with community. I fell in love with it early on when I was Producer, Anchor, Reporter, Camera Operator and Editor for the CRRS Community Channel.  Doing all these positions prepared me for News production and the many roles to be filled.


Next, I was asked to be a Regional Videojournalist for CTV Labrador West and I then made a big move to Ottawa’s Algonquin College, and specialized in News and TV Production. 


After graduating from Algonquin, I was hired on as a Videographer, tasked with documenting the vote in Davis Inlet, Labrador, where the Mushuau Innu voted to move to Natuashish. This experience opened my eyes to the many issues of the cultural communities that make up Labrador and Canada as a whole.


In recent years, since early 2021, I have been working for CBC Newfoundland & Labrador as Videojournalist and Producer, based in Labrador City.  During this time, I have produced, shot and reported a large variety of stories; from a student walkout in support for a Transgender student, to Indigenous stories and artists profiles for CBC’s Here & Now, as well as many radio stories for CBC Labrador Morning and the CBC NL Provincial Newscast.  


I received an Honours Graduate of the Advanced Television and Film – Script to Screen from Centennial College, where I wrote and directed several shorts. Two of my productions for which I was Writer, Director, Producer, were nominated for a Canadian Comedy Award - Best Short, and a Donny Award - Best Short Dramatic Film. As well, a notable Directing credit of mine, earned me a Top 5 Finalist spot as “Funniest Canadian Video” for 


Outside of work, I am a top fundraiser for the Terry Fox Run and love photography.